Classes & Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to stimulate the developmental growth of children physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Our teachers plan fun, exciting, and creative activities that encourage each child to develop to their fullest potential. This is done in both large and small group activities.

The children entering this class must be one year old by August 31st. We offer a Tuesday/Thursday class. This time will include playtime, toys, music and songs, simple art activities, the opportunity to interact with other children, and lots of cuddling!
Children entering this program must be two years old by August 31st. We offer a Monday/Wednesday/Friday class, a Tuesday/Thursday class, and a Monday through Friday class. This program includes activities such as painting, working with glue, and playdoh. They enjoy stories , music and songs, and other group time learning activities, including a wide variety of centers within the classroom.
Children entering this program must be three years old by August 31st. We offer a Tuesday/Thursday class, a Monday/Wednesday/Friday class, and a Monday through Friday class. This program includes activities such as painting, working with glue, and play-doh. They enjoy stories, music and songs, simple science, and other group time learning activities, including a wide variety of centers within the classroom.
We offer numerous special activities and enrichment opportunities during the year for our preschoolers and families. Below is a list of some of the things we do. We have fun at Mt. Tabor Preschool and we learn a lot too!
Welcome Back to School Picnic
Monthly Wonderful Worship
Church Fall Festival
Muffins with Mom
Donuts with Dad
Fire Safety Program
Rescue Mission Food Drive
Holiday Music Program
Breakfast with Santa
Humane Society Program
Dental Health Program
Easter Egg Hunts
Week of the Young Child Celebration
Pizza and Pajama Day
Spring Music Program
Preschool Graduation
End of Year Celebration

This program is for children who are not eligible to attend Kindergarten in the current year and who will be four years old by August 31st. These children may enroll in a four day Monday through Thursday class, or in a five day, Monday through Friday class. All our four year classes benefit from many creative art activities, a home living area, block building and other manipulative toys. These classes also feature weekly units of study, pre-reading language, math, science, music and movement activities, and cooking. Both individual and group learning activities are part of the daily experience.
Circle Time
Circle time is a group learning experience where teachers will present academic themes through conversation, stories, songs, and hands on learning opportunities. Children will actively participate during this time as we present letter recognition and sounds, weather and season awareness, calendar skills, months of the year, and math concepts.
Center Play
Children will play with friends in classroom centers such as Home Living and Dramatic Play; Books and Literacy; Manipulatives; Puzzles & Games; Computer; and Blocks & Building. This time will provide opportunities for development of social skills, reading readiness skills, and fine motor development, as well as strengthen math concepts.
Daily art activities promote creative expression, imagination, and fine motor skill development. We will use a wide variety of materials with various textures while we encourage the child to be involved in the process of creating art.
Recess Time
Children will have fun playing on the playground or in the gym with friends each day. This time provides physical activity, gross motor skill development, social interaction, and an outlet for release of feelings.
Music & Movement
Our preschool offers a separate weekly music and movement class for all students. This class is designed to encourage expression and creativity while learning about music concepts. The children sing, play instruments, move, improvise and create within the world of music. The children also participate in special musical programs for the parents during the school year. Fine and gross motor skills are reinforced by incorporating scarves, hoops, rhythm sticks, instruments, bean bags, a parachute and other equipment into the class.
Christian Curriculum
The children will attend Wonderful Worship each month led by a pastor or church staff member. This time includes religious stories, illustrations and songs presented on a young child’s level. Inside the classroom, teachers will facilitate a bible story each week and share God’s love through daily interactions.
Lunch Bunch
Most days our time is extended until 1:00 pm for lunch with additional playtime. This is an optional service to children enrolled in our school. Lunch Bunch is supervised by the Preschool staff. Tickets for lunch are $5.00 and purchased in advance. Parents send a lunch and a drink for their child.